Category: Jordan

Jordan: Envisioning a Resilient Future

Abeer, a 31-year-old Palestinian-Jordanian, volunteers with IOCC in Jordan, supporting some of our programs there for people with impairments and disabilities.

Jordan: Don’t Stop Believing

Speech therapy and other specially tailored care have helped Fadi overcome his apraxia of speech, gaining new confidence and learning how to communicate effectively.

Jordan: A Safe Home and Food to Eat

IOCC helped Mansour and his family cover rent for three months, ensuring they had a safe place to stay and allowing them to spend their limited resources on other expenses, especially food.

Expert Care for Children in Jordan

Omar uses his new glasses during his occupational therapy appointment, made possible by IOCC programs serving people with impairments and disabilities.

Jordan: Finding a Brighter Future

In Jordan, IOCC does a lot of work to make sure people in need—both Jordanians and refugees—get specialized support, especially when it comes to disabilities and impairments.

Bringing Economic Opportunity

IOCC programs are designed to help as many people as possible by equipping them to improve their lives so they can help others and their community.

Jordan: Shaping a Productive, Inclusive Future

Hasan is a Jordanian who cannot hear. Through an IOCC program assisting people with disabilities in Amman, he is interning with a garment factory and will have the opportunity to continue as an employee after the program concludes.

Helping Children Thrive

Your support of IOCC brings much-needed specialized care to children like Adil, helping them gain skills to engage with the people around them and to lead active, productive lives.