The Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas
Liaison to IOCC from the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States
Great and Holy Lent, though a somber season, is at the same time a journey toward the fullness of Life. It demonstrates our Eternal Father’s patience and care for us—His wayward children—because He calls us each year patiently, lovingly back to Himself. Lent is an invitation to renewal as we seek deeper communion with Christ through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
The reflections in this booklet come from women volunteers who have served through IOCC. They have lifted up IOCC’s work in their parishes and communities, have labored to tell others about IOCC, have led on Metropolitan Committees or IOCC’s Board of Directors. Whether their work is behind the scenes or highly visible, their service reflects IOCC’s mission to meet our neighbors’ human needs in the spirit of Christ’s love.
During Great Lent and every day of this earthly life, I pray that each of us may serve Christ in great and small ways, wherever we are in life. May we each give humbly and lovingly as He gives Himself for us. May we offer to His service all that we are!