Orthodox Homefront

Homefront parishes prepare before disaster strikes, equipping and positioning themselves both to continue their ministry even amid emergencies and to serve their neighbors during a crisis.


Part of IOCC’s US Program, the Orthodox Homefront is a network of Orthodox parishes that have undertaken disaster preparedness planning so they can help avert disasters and effectively respond when disasters arise.

What Is a Homefront Parish?

With resources provided by IOCC, Homefront parishes prepare before disaster strikes, equipping and positioning themselves both to continue their ministry even amid emergencies and to serve their neighbors during a crisis.

Training to Serve in Times of Need

After implementing the program, Homefront parishes are equipped to open their doors to the larger community — for example, as distribution centers or shelters. Or they might house teams of volunteers working nearby or meet other community needs in an emergency.

A Growing Network

Lay leadership, in consultation with clergy, plays a prominent role in preparation, and the Homefront connects parishes to a network of agencies involved in emergency management that includes IOCC. Over 75 parishes nationwide have completed the training so far.

“Thanks very much for this! This helped to break down the best ways to implement a preparedness plan for
my parish.”
— Denver, CO

“Very informative, thought provoking, and timely.” — Minneapolis, MN

“This [training] made us aware of how unprepared we are in our parish. It has inspired me to get our community involved and prepared. Thank you for your efforts and commitment to this mission.” — Salt Lake City, UT

“There is definitely more that we can be doing. This will help us to get more active. Thanks for the program. Great opportunity for our youth as well.” — Dallas, TX

Orthodox Christian Disaster Response

Why Join the Homefront?

Is your parish community ready for action? Taking an “all hazards” approach, Homefront training guides parishes through step-by-step preparation for and potential response to incidents that could disrupt an area or a parish’s own activities. Homefront parishes prepare for action in a variety of situations.

Homefront training with IOCC equips you and your fellow parishioners to think through scenarios like these—and more—and design a preparedness plan to guide your response. You’ll learn about conducting risk assessments, evaluating vulnerabilities, and taking steps to reduce those risks.

Ready to Start?

Contact IOCC’s US Program staff at usprograms@iocc.org.