What do events accomplish?
Throughout the year, groups of dedicated volunteers help raise awareness about IOCC among Orthodox Christians and the general public—they introduce others to the IOCC mission, fundraise to support our programs, and explain how IOCC helps people in need.
As more people become involved in events, word naturally spreads about IOCC’s mission.
Money is raised and donated to IOCC in support of our humanitarian projects in the USA and around the world.
IOCC events bring together Orthodox Christians of all jurisdictions in support of a common cause—responding to Christ’s call to minister to people in need.
What kind of events can I host?
Virtual Fundraising
Want to do more? Looking for a powerful way to get engaged? IOCC needs volunteers to host virtual fundraisers or events over the next few months as we are asked to observe social distancing. Hold a virtual auction, dedicate a birthday, honor a loved one, or even run a virtual race.
- Organize a virtual event: Call us at 410.243.9820 or email outreach@iocc.org.
- Set up a DIY fundraiser: Visit iocc.org/DIY to get started
Help us stand together as we remain physically apart!
Benefit Dinner or Reception
From spaghetti dinners and potlucks to wine pairings and formal galas, events can be as simple or as elaborate as you want them to be.
Coffee Hour Presentation
Show one of our videos, create a display table, or give a brief talk. Share what you love about IOCC’s work in an IOCC presentation.
Annual IOCC Campaigns
Plan an event around important IOCC dates and campaigns: IOCC Sunday, Souper Bowl Sunday, and #GivingTuesday.
Sporting Events
Race to Respond in your hometown by participating in a local walkathon or 5K, or create your own! Ask friends and family to sponsor you and raise funds for those in need. Learn more.
DIY Fundraising
Create your own event or fundraising campaign. Dedicate a special occasion, like your birthday or anniversary, or plan a car wash, bake sale, or even a dance-a-thon! Learn more.
Parish Donations
Talk to your organizing committee about having a collection jar at your next event.
Interested in planning an event?
Check out our upcoming events. To get started or request a speaker, contact an Outreach Coordinator at 410-243-9820 or via email.