IOCC Board Alum, Past Metropolitan Committee Chair
St. Catherine Greek Orthodox Church
Greenwood Village, CO
The Gospel reading today shares the story of the paralytic whose friends carry him to Christ to be healed. This story is a beautiful example of how much we need each other. How we can help each other find our way. How when we serve people in need, we point each other toward our loving Lord.
We all have the chance to lovingly serve Christ by helping others. That is what IOCC exists to do. I’m truly honored and blessed to be part of this work, from sitting on IOCC’s governing board to leading for many years our pan-Orthodox committee in Denver to organize IOCC fundraisers. When we work together, we can do so much.
Our Lenten practices are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, and St. Gregory Palamas taught the practice of quiet prayer (hesychasm). When we are quiet, it is sometimes easier to hear the Lord’s words, including His call to show our love for Him by meeting the human needs around us. When we actively seek ways to care for others, we will always find them.
I believe that offering practical help as the paralytic’s friends did—perhaps it’s clean water, perhaps a hot meal—brings us all closer to Christ. And that is our greatest goal, in Lent and always.