Reflection by H. E. Metropolitan Nicolae
Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas & Liaison Bishop to IOCC from the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops
Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! —John 12:13
Today marks the start of Great and Holy Week. Today shouts of joy are undergirded by our knowledge, as we look back across two millennia, of the somber events that immediately followed the triumph of Palm Sunday. For the celebration in Jerusalem is fleeting, and we read of it now with a mixture of joy and sorrow: joy because we understand that Christ deserves a reception like this, and more—and sorrow because we know that the same voices will soon shout “Crucify Him!”
This week is the final stage in our Lenten journey, but not in our journey toward salvation. As we participate this week in Christ’s own final days, let us be reminded of what He gave on the cross, of what He still gives in the Holy Eucharist: Himself. Fully God yet fully man, He tasted death so as to destroy it, and to give all of humanity hope in His Resurrection.
May we seek Christ, both at the end of this Holy Week and every day of our lives.
O Lord our God, teach us to emulate Christ’s example of self-emptying by humbly offering compassionate service in Your name.