The Faces of IOCC
The IOCC team has had the great privilege to travel to project sites around the world to meet and work alongside many of the people that we serve. The photos above share a glimpse of those visits. They remind us why IOCC’s work is so important. These are the faces of the people that, through IOCC, you have helped in times of need.
They are students, farmers, business owners, parents, grandparents, children, teachers, and community leaders. They are people who have faced incredible challenges and met them head on. With your support, IOCC programs helped them change their lives and communities.
On behalf of everyone here at IOCC, thank you for working with IOCC to serve millions around the world for the past 30 years. We are deeply humbled by your generosity, and can’t wait to serve even more people with you in the future.