Souperbowl Parish Participation Guide

- ANNOUNCE that your parish will be a part of the Souper Bowl of Caring, and ask parishioners to bring a non-perishable food item and small monetary contribution to Liturgy on Sunday, Feb. 3.
- DISCUSS the Souper Bowl with your youth group. Lead them in a discussion on community service and serving the poor. Read the Parable of the Good Samaritan in the Bible (Luke 10:25-37) and relate the teaching of “helping our neighbor” with participation in the Souper Bowl.
- DECIDE to which local food bank or soup kitchen you will donate the non-perishable foods collected on Souper Bowl Sunday.
- CHOOSE a monetary goal for your parish to reach through the contributions collected on Souper Bowl Sunday.
- COLLECT the donations on Sunday, Feb. 3. The youth should stand at exits with large soup pots to receive the food donations. Other youth can help pass collection trays at the appropriate time.
- DELIVER the non-perishables to the selected food bank and send the monetary contributions to IOCC.
- DEBRIEF your Souper Bowl experience to reinforce the messages of service and volunteerism with the youth.
Here is what your monetary contribution on Souper Bowl Sunday can do to help needy children and families should you select International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) as your designated charity.
$100 — Help Children During Emergencies
Your gift of $100 can help turn a time of crisis into a time of action for children in need. When disasters strike, IOCC responds quickly to provide emergency relief assistance (including basic food items), supply medical equipment and support local community organizations. Your gift of $100 could buy a winter clothing package, a children’s food parcel and a family hygiene parcel for those in urgent need of help.
$250 — Support Youth Education Programs
Your gift of $250 can help provide a brighter future for children enrolled in IOCC’s youth education programs throughout the world. These programs allow children to participate in educational, recreational and cultural activities in a safe environment. Additional programs train at-risk students in computer literacy, enabling them to learn skills for future job opportunities.
$500 — Help Provide Disaster Assistance In The U.S.
When disasters like floods, hurricanes and wildfires strike the United States, Orthodox priests from IOCC’s Emergency Response Network help survivors cope with their loss, provide trauma counseling and coordinate resources with others on the scene. Your gift can train an Orthodox priest to respond to disasters in the U.S.
$1,000 — Support Agricultural Projects Which Help Children In Rural Areas
Your gift of $1,000 can help farmers provide fresh fruits, vegetables and milk to children living in remote areas of poorer countries. With your donation, IOCC’s agricultural projects could purchase tractor attachments, garden tools and seed packets as well as livestock such as cows and chickens for rural farmers. These programs make possible food, employment and income to families in need while encouraging self-sufficiency and independence.
Click below to download Souperbowl announcements in PDF format for your parish bulletin:
Bulletin Announcement Large – color
Bulletin Announcement Large – black and white
Bulletin Announcement Medium
Bulletin Announcement Small
Or select a size in JPG format:
Bulletin Announcement Large – black and white
Bulletin Announcement Medium
Bulletin Announcement Small