“I Can Now Fix Things Myself”

December 12, 2019

Participants in the sewing training learned to make blouses, skirts, and other articles of clothing from scratch.

IOCC’s community kitchens across Lebanon are part of a long-running initiative to improve access to nutritious food in underserved areas of the country—serving both Lebanese and refugee families.

As part of these efforts, IOCC recently offered vocational training to 45 Syrian and Lebanese women, most of whom had received meals from the kitchens, and some of whom had worked in them. Women who participated in these courses received sewing machines and supplies to help support their continuing endeavors.

“I can now do things myself, such as fixing my children’s clothes,” said Soraya (alias), a 35-year-old mother of five from Syria. “Most of the time we receive donated clothes that don’t always fit them….I want to start helping my neighbors fix their clothes, too, and I hope I can earn some income.”

This Christmas, will you offer opportunity to a family like Soraya’s—a family facing challenges that most of us can only imagine?

P.S. You can also shop our Gifts of Love gift catalog for symbolic gift ideas to give to others this holiday season.