We extend our deepest sympathies to all of those affected by the devastating explosions in Lebanon August 4. Our team in Beirut has reported on the heartbreaking impact of this tragedy and is now assessing needs and planning to help the people of Lebanon as they face this crisis.
IOCC has been working in Lebanon for almost 20 years. We grieve for a people we hold dear who face yet another challenge in an already deepening crisis. Please pray with us for all those in Lebanon who have been affected by these terrible events.
In closing, we share an excerpt of the message IOCC Executive Director and CEO Dean Triantafilou shared with IOCC staff in Lebanon:
“On August 1, in the Orthodox Church, we started Fast of the Falling Asleep of the Virgin Mary. During this time our attention is on the total dedication of her life to God. We learn from her the importance of courage, humility, and commitment to prayer. May the intercessions of the Most Holy Virgin Mary give you peace and comfort during these unsettling days and the continued strength to endure and live your lives.”