IOCC’s Hurricane Michael Response

Hurricane Michael struck the Florida Panhandle as one of the most powerful hurricanes to ever hit the country, causing extensive storm surge on the coast and hundreds of tornadoes as it crossed into Georgia, the Carolinas, and Virginia. The full extent of damage is still being determined, as are immediate needs on the ground.
IOCC is coordinating our response with partners and counterparts in affected states, including the coalition National Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD), local Red Cross shelters, ecumenical partners, and local Orthodox parishes.
To date, we have deployed multiple Frontliners to Panama City, FL to offer emotional and spiritual care and conducted a needs assessment for additional emergency response activities. We have also arranged for a semi-truck of clean-up buckets, hygiene kits, and blankets to be delivered to Ocala, FL for distribution throughout Florida. Lastly, IOCC is working with Volunteer Florida to identify an underserved area in areas west of Tallahassee to begin muck-out and clean-up operations.
You can help Hurricane Michael survivors by making a donation to to support this work. As well, you can sign up for an emergency action team at Please pray for those affected and pray for those responding to their needs.