Jobs Support Community Service

March 1, 2018

In the Gaza Strip, where unemployment is extremely high among youth and young adults, IOCC has continued offering short-term employment and postemployment support for university graduates, a collaboration with Peace Winds Japan. IOCC recently facilitated short-term jobs at community-based organizations for almost 50 young adults, giving them a chance to build their professional experience and skills. At the same time, these young professionals help promote the educational facilities’ services and grow their enrollment. These six community education centers now serve a total of 764 enrolled students, and the graduates working there teach sessions for younger students in their communities, creating a ripple effect of stronger academic achievement. In all, IOCC’s short-term employment initiative in Gaza has connected more than 250 adults ages 18 to 24 with community organizations where they can gain valuable paid work experience. They also attend career workshops and professional-skills training, developing their ability to market themselves and improving their prospects for future employment.