One focus of IOCC programs in Jordan is serving people with impairments or disabilities. In addition to offering health services, IOCC also supports wider inclusion across society for these folks. This includes job training, career fairs, and connecting them with work opportunities.
Last month, a group of Jordanians with impairments or disabilities began internships in Amman with either a garment factory or a plastics factory through an IOCC project supported by Diakonie ACT Austria and the Austrian Development Agency. The IOCC project is assisting these interns and employers for three months; then the companies will tentatively hire their interns for an additional nine months. These interns also received four sessions of job coaching from IOCC and community-based rehabilitation workers.
Through this partnership, IOCC is supporting employer inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities, hearing impairments, and physical disabilities in the workplace, while also helping the interns themselves build their skills and gain experience that will help them shape active, productive lives.