Caring for the Whole Person
Spirituality is part of the human experience, so when a disaster disrupts a person’s and a community’s life, emotional and spiritual care contribute to healing. This is the work of IOCC’s Orthodox Frontline, part of our US Program’s disaster response network.
A team of Frontliners deployed to flood-affected Kentucky. As cleanup got underway, our team embedded with Inspiritus, our partner disaster-response organization. Frontliners have been meeting with survivors and those serving them, caring for the whole person following these devastating floods. In addition, they’re supporting cleanup operations and have distributed gift cards to families in need so they can purchase basic items like cleanup supplies and toiletries.
Joshua, age 28, told one Frontliner that he didn’t realize his home was flooding until the water around him woke him up. It was rising so fast that he didn’t have time to reach higher ground but managed to get to his roof, where rescuers found him. He appreciated the chance to share his story and connect.
Recovery in Kentucky will not happen overnight. Help our neighbors in need with a gift to IOCC’s US Emergency Response Fund, which addresses immediate needs following disasters and also supports long-term recovery efforts.
Please give today.