While in Baltimore for training last month, IOCC HQ and field staff spent a day volunteering at our partner warehouse where hygiene kits, school kits, and cleanup buckets are received, processed, and prepared to ship all over the world. The team checked hygiene kits to ensure that all contents were correct and uniform, then packed them up in large boxes, and filled shipping pallets ready to be loaded into containers.

As we worked through dozens of boxes of kits generously donated and assembled by volunteers across the country, we found several from IOCC’s own supporters, including several Philoptochos chapters. We got your kits! Many thanks to EVERYONE who generously contributed to this cause and for all the love that went into making these kits. Your gifts of practical everyday items are well on their way to people in need around the world.

Special thanks to IOCC’s partners at the Brethren Service Center warehouse and to Church World Service. It’s an honor to serve with you.