As a young child, Omar had trouble seeing. As Syrian refugees in Jordan trying to make ends meet, Omar’s parents struggled to find the treatment their son desperately needed while also caring for their other children.
Then Omar’s parents learned about health services for refugees and vulnerable Jordanians at the IOCC-supported clinic in Zarqa. Interested, Omar’s mother made an appointment with a disability specialist.
Exams and visits with vision specialists confirmed Omar’s need for both glasses and a low-vision device. Omar’s family had been, to this point, unable to afford these types of devices. However, through the IOCC program,* Omar received both. In addition, he began occupational therapy with one of the project’s rehabilitation specialists. Through these sessions, he improved his fine motor skills and his ability to focus.
With help from IOCC, Omar can now participate in life more fully from everyday interactions with his family to learning at school. His parents expressed great thanks for his progress and are happy to see him thriving. With the assistive devices and support he needs, Omar is not letting anything get in his way!
This Lent, you can help children like Omar and so many other people in need with a gift through IOCC. Your generosity can change a life.
*Supported by the US State Department Bureau for Population, Refugees, and Migration