Since the beginning of conflict in their country, millions of Ukrainians have fled their homes to start anew in an unfamiliar place. Many have found refuge in Greece, where IOCC and Church partner Apostoli have been helping them start over.
Throughout 2022, this IOCC-supported emergency response program provided more than 1,190 families (over 2,450 people) with €50 and €100 supermarket vouchers so families could buy exactly what they needed, when they needed it. The program also provided school kits to families with school-age children. These provisions have been incredibly impactful, helping refugees purchase essentials such as food, personal hygiene items, and baby supplies.

The aid has been well-received, with most beneficiaries cashing in their vouchers immediately. The program is designed to support refugees with dignity. Recipients included children, seniors, and young and middle-aged adults, mostly women. Tatiana, a 27-year-old mother with a small baby, said, “Your help offers me a ray of hope in the difficulties I am experiencing.”
This effort is a small example of how IOCC is serving refugees as they rebuild their lives in a foreign country—and as the conflict in Ukraine enters its second year.