In Jordan, IOCC is working to create lasting impact with and for people with disabilities. With support from the Austrian Development Agency and Diakonie ACT Austria, IOCC has worked to strengthen earning opportunities and foster inclusivity through activities like job coaching and specialized training.
Recent job-coaching sessions were specifically designed to equip women with disabilities and caregivers of children with disabilities with the skills and knowledge they need to grow their confidence and comfort in the workplace. Sessions covered essential workplace skills, the intricacies of labor laws, and disability-related insights. Participants received guidance for crafting personalized career plans and setting short- and long-term goals.

In parallel, IOCC’s Livelihoods Coordinator led a dynamic “training of trainers” session, a pivotal step in improving the integration of people with disabilities into Jordan’s workforce. Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Social Development staff learned tools and knowledge they can use in supporting inclusivity. Training focused on identifying reasonable accommodations in the workplace, addressing employment challenges, and fostering direct collaboration with employers.
Your support is the driving force behind these transformative initiatives, helping spread the word about the benefits of including people with disabilities in the workplace. Together, we are helping shape a world where everyone can thrive. Thank you.