“The People we Help Give me Strength”
O Gregory the Miracle Worker, … preacher of grace, intercede forever that our souls may be saved.—Apolytikion of St. Gregory Palamas
A young man once came to work for IOCC from a simple peasant family. He knew what it was to be poor and was determined to help others. He thought, “I’ll visit isolated areas, delivering assistance. I’ll be the one to bring strength and hope to those we’re helping.” Together with his brothers and sisters at IOCC, he worked hard to respond to the call of our Lord Jesus Christ and to support the work of our Church.
That man was me. Now, 20 years later, many good things have been accomplished; we’ve helped so many. I look back and see how blessed I’ve been to be a part of a team of honorable people dedicated to sharing God’s gifts with those in need.
The journey still goes on. Only, I was wrong to think that I would be bringing strength to others. The fact is, the people we help give me strength to do this work. Every time I visit a new place, a new family, I find more motivation from the people we serve. Even in 100 years, I could never thank them enough for such a gift. None of us can.
This week’s staff reflection is written by Nenad Prelević, our Regional Representative for the Western Balkans