Responding to Disaster in the Spirit of Christ’s Love

March 15, 2021

After the Beirut explosion, IOCC responded quickly with assistance, including repairs for those in need to make their houses homes again.

When disaster strikes, the world needs an expert team that’s ready for fast, effective emergency response. Supporters like you have helped expand and strengthen IOCC’s emergency response capability.

We were honored to serve sisters Elene and Marie following the devastating August 4 explosion in Beirut. Marie, 93 years old, depends on a wheelchair and had been suffering from age-related hearing and vision difficulties. Shortly before the explosion, 85-year-old Elene, Marie’s younger sister, had spent the last of her savings on medical treatments for Marie. Repairing the devastating damage to their home wasn’t something the sisters could afford on their own.

An IOCC program repaired the sisters’ home, replacing shattered doors and windows and more, ensuring they remained safe and sheltered through the winter.

This Lent, help work like this continue in Lebanon and around the world.