What’s in Your Easter Basket?
While many of us think of Easter baskets as a fun tradition full of sweet treats, this year in Ukraine, IOCC is providing a different kind of Easter “basket”—one full of basic foods.
This Great and Holy Week, as millions face tremendous loss and tragedy, IOCC is working with Orthodox parishes in Ukraine to distribute food parcels to families displaced by the devastating conflict. The bags contain a small Easter cake, eggs, sausage, cheese, and a bottle of sunflower oil—to provide essential nourishment and perhaps also a bit of hope.
These ordinary items meet real, practical, and immediate needs for people who’ve been forced from their homes. In this small way, the parcels are an offering of hope to thousands of families facing this feast of Christ’s Resurrection amid terrible circumstances.
IOCC’s regional response is addressing urgent needs while also building for long-term support across the region. Right now, IOCC is active not only in Ukraine but also in Poland and Romania, serving both Ukrainian refugees and the families and organizations hosting them.
As we look ahead to the great hope of Pascha, please continue praying for everyone affected by this emergency and for the people on the ground serving them—partners, volunteers, and IOCC’s own staff. Thank you.