A Mother and Son Flee Conflict in Ukraine

October 22, 2024

Antonina and Danilo Find Safety—and Hope

IOCC helped Antonina to afford rehabilitation services and orthopedic equipment for her son Danilo.

Antonina, 34, and her five-year-old son Danilo (not their real names) fled Ukraine for Poland in March of 2022. Antonina had no choice but to leave her husband, parents, and grandparents behind, as Danilo required surgery that couldn’t be performed in Ukraine. Fortunately, they were able to find shelter at a refugee center in southern Poland.

Danilo has a genetic disorder, Klippel-Feil syndrome, which causes partial atrophy of his nerves and optic discs and hinders his motor and speech development. He also has a congenital heart defect that can only be corrected with surgery.

Antonina was able to find a special kindergarten for Danilo in Poland, but his schedule didn’t leave her enough time to take a job. However, with funding from partner United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), and in collaboration with Eleos Poland, IOCC is helping Antonina and other Ukrainian refugees pay for essentials like food, clothes, medicine, public transportation, and rent.

The program has made it possible for Antonina to afford additional rehabilitation services for Danilo, and to buy the orthopedic equipment he needs to function and flourish. She is also able to purchase phone cards which allow her to talk with her family back in Ukraine.

As Antonina waits for Danilo’s heart surgery, she remains grateful for all the help she has received, and for the generous support of the local community. She said, “The most important thing is Danilo and his health. I am happy that, despite the war, we are here among Polish friends who have welcomed us with open arms.

“Danilo’s frequent smiles make me forget for a moment the situation in our homeland,” she continued, “and the longing for loved ones. It is thanks to your support that we can live and sleep safely, despite worries and fears. I am very grateful to all of you for all your help, for every hand that reaches out to us.”