US Neighbors Need Your Help
When emergencies hit, there’s often no time to plan. That’s why at IOCC, we prepare for the unexpected. Then, when disaster strikes, we’re ready to help where it’s needed most.
That’s true around the world and right here at home in the US.
IOCC’s US Program focuses on disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. Through Homefront training for parishes, emotional and spiritual care from our Frontliners, and volunteers who serve in emergency response and long-term recovery efforts, IOCC is laying the groundwork for resilience in the face of disaster.
Because of you, IOCC can do the work to prepare. And with your help, we can serve more people when times of need arrive. Help us stay ready before the next emergency hits.
PS—Have you seen IOCC’s resources to help you and your family create a disaster-prep plan?