Did You Know …?

May 8, 2019

IOCC is aiming to raise $135,000 to continue combatting the tropical disease podoconiosis in Ethiopia and to expand health services in underserved, isolated areas of the country. Photo: KORA Image.

Podoconiosis, podo for short, is a debilitating but completely preventable disease threatening millions in Ethiopia. With your support, IOCC can help eliminate it.


With donor support, IOCC is able to:

  • train health professionals to provide treatment while teaching prevention methods
  • equip community leaders with knowledge and confidence to teach others about podo and how to prevent it—while helping to dispel the social stigma attached
  • treat those who have podo while helping them build a self-care routine they can manage on their own

Our podo work in Ethiopia is already making a difference. And with your help, we can do even more. Will you help us reach our goal of $135,000?