Category: Education

Gaza: Sharing Warmth at Christmas

Hundreds of schoolchildren and their families attended a Christmas celebration in December and received winter bedding from IOCC.

Romania: Helping Children Stay Connected to School

Through IOCC support, young students in Romania participated in activities that helped them connect with each other through educational opportunities, helping reduce their risk of dropping out of school.

Lebanon: Playing for Better Health

Children across Lebanon participated in Lego play days, getting creative in groups as part of a wider project supporting improved overall health in underserved communities.

Giving Thanks Together

Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate with joy and gratitude, and as we prepare to offer thanks to God, we also share our thanks for YOU.

Bringing Hope after Greece’s Wildfires

Learn about the initiatives that IOCC has implemented to meet the immediate and longer-term needs of fire-affected households and businesses.

Humanitarian Aid Comes in Many Forms

IOCC is currently engaged in a multiyear program with the UOC and the St. Nektarios Education Fund at St. Michael the Archangel Secondary School in Gulu.