Category: Lent Resources

Reflections for Great Lent: An Introduction

Through Great and Holy Lent, the Church draws us into repentance and renewal. Through the fast, we attend to our spiritual well-being, seeking deeper communion with our good and loving God.

Your Impact this Great Lent

All of us at IOCC are grateful to work with dedicated supporters like you. As a small token of thanks, IOCC offers resources to support your Lenten journey of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

Paschal Prayer for Peace

Christ is Risen! | Khristos voskres! | Christos anesti! | El Messieh kahm! | Kristos haryav ee merelotz! | Christos t'ensah em' muhtan! | Krishti U Ngjall! | Hristos vaskrse! | Cristo ha resucitado! | Khristus zmartwyckwstal! | Hristos a inviat! | Khristos voskrese!

The Humility and Hope of Christ

This week is a journey unto itself, seeing that in the Church services we participate in Christ’s path to the Crucifixion and, ultimately, Resurrection.