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Creating Opportunity in Greece

IOCC's Give for Greece programs have helped small businesses flourish, taught young adults tech skills, offered food assistance, and provided lifesaving supplies to public hospitals.

Theophany: Baptism of Our Lord

At Theophany (or Epiphany), we see clearly the divinity of Christ, along with the renewal and enlightenment He brings.

Double Your Last Gift of 2020!

Thanks to a generous donor any gift you give before midnight will be matched dollar for dollar up to $10,000!

Another Story of Hope

When I met him, Miroslav had a new 3,200 square-foot greenhouse from IOCC, where he was growing seedlings in the rich valley soil.

Inspired by a Child

Often in my work, I am humbled by the strength and perseverance of children. This Story of Hope from Jordan shares one example of such a time.
IOCC Care Compass Logo

US: A Guide in Any Storm

IOCC's Care Calls and Care Compass programs were created to fill a gap that appeared as the COVID-19 pandemic took hold in the United States and across the world.