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Help Rebuild a Family’s Home

Join IOCC in helping to make a life-changing difference for our brothers and sisters in need across the world.

Thank You!

On behalf of IOCC and the people we serve, thank you for your support during #GivingTuesday.

Expressing Gratitude This Thanksgiving

We at IOCC extend our warmest holiday wishes to you, and our heartfelt gratitude for your compassion and willingness to share with others.

Serbia: Simple Comforts Bring Joy

Enough pillows, comforters, blankets, mattress pads, and bed linens to fill a 40-foot container were distributed by IOCC partner the Red Cross of Serbia.

Lebanon: Rebuilding Homes and Lives

To repair some of the capital’s most badly damaged homes, IOCC’s team of engineers visit and assess, select contractors, and supervise the work from start to finish.