Supermarket vouchers for Ukrainian refugees in Greece have allowed families to purchase exactly what they need as they begin rebuilding their lives in a new place.
IOCC has been helping people affected by the conflict in Ukraine since it began—both people displaced in their own country and those who fled as refugees. The work continues across the region.
In Jordan, IOCC does a lot of work to make sure people in need—both Jordanians and refugees—get specialized support, especially when it comes to disabilities and impairments.
The midpoint of Great Lent sees the cross in our midst. St. Paul says that the word of the cross is “foolishness” to those who are perishing (1 Cor 1).
IOCC was saddened to learn of the falling asleep in our Lord of Protopresbyter Stavrofor Srboljub Jockovic, Pastor Emeritus of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Steelton, Pennsylvania.
St. Gregory Palamas was able, through his effective teaching and by his example, to show that the energies of God manifest themselves in the life of every Christian.