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Fourth Sunday | St. John Climacus
On the fourth Sunday of Lent, the Church connects this gospel reading with St. John Climacus, a saint who wrote on acquiring holiness through humility and ascetical struggle.
Third Sunday | Veneration of the Holy Cross
This Sunday of the Holy Cross, could we each consider what service looks like for us in daily life—in what small (or large) ways we might take up our personal cross through service?
Lenten Recipe: Stuffed Cauliflower Leaves (Warak Shol)
Our weekly Lenten recipe is here!
IOCC Volunteer Update | 2024 Issue 3
IOCC’s annual booklet of Lenten reflections is now available to view online or download on our Lenten Resources page. This year’s reflections come from women who have volunteered with IOCC in various capacities.
Second Sunday | St. Gregory Palamas
Our Lenten practices are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, and St. Gregory Palamas taught the practice of quiet prayer (hesychasm).
Lenten Recipe: Creamy Carrot & Sweet Potato Soup with Roasted Almonds
Our weekly Lenten recipe is here!
First Sunday | The Sunday of Orthodoxy
IOCC draws its inspiration from Matthew 25:35–36, 40, which begins, “For I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in … as you did it to one of the least of these, My brethren, you did it to Me.”
Jordan: Strengthening Earning Opportunities for People with Disabilities
Job-coaching sessions equip women with disabilities and caregivers of children with disabilities with skills and knowledge to help them succeed in the workplace.