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Sixth Sunday | Palm Sunday

As we view the Cross before us this Holy Week, let us remember how Christ emptied Himself for our sake.

Time is Running Out! Support Families in Haiti.

Rising gang violence and food scarcity are causing unrest across Haiti. IOCC is working to meet this urgent need by supplying food staples like rice, beans, pasta, and cooking oil to schoolchildren and their families.

Fifth Sunday | St. Mary of Egypt

The pan-Orthodox work of IOCC provides a compassionate and universal presence in the world, relieving suffering whenever and wherever it exists.

Fourth Sunday | St. John Climacus

On the fourth Sunday of Lent, the Church connects this gospel reading with St. John Climacus, a saint who wrote on acquiring holiness through humility and ascetical struggle.

Third Sunday | Veneration of the Holy Cross

This Sunday of the Holy Cross, could we each consider what service looks like for us in daily life—in what small (or large) ways we might take up our personal cross through service?