Lenten Reflection – Sunday of St. John Climacus April 9, 2021 The Ladder of Divine Ascent is most likely the foremost ascetical text in the Orthodox Church.
An Innovative Path for Unemployed and Refugee Youth April 5, 2021 IOCC-supported Code+Create programming helps unemployed Greek and refugee young adults gain high-tech skills.
IOCC Mourns the Passing of Fr. Antonio Perdomo April 3, 2021 Fr. Antonio trained as an IOCC Frontliner and deployed in that role after multiple disasters across the United States and Caribbean, providing emotional and spiritual care to survivors.
Lenten Reflection – Veneration of the Holy Cross April 2, 2021 On the third Sunday of Great Lent, Mark’s Gospel reminds us that following Christ requires work.
Helping Families Flourish March 29, 2021 IOCC programming in Gaza is helping families in need improve their children’s nutrition, giving them the strong start all children deserve.
Lenten Recipe: Green Beans & Potatoes in a Dill Tomato Sauce March 29, 2021 Our weekly Lenten recipe is here!
Lenten Reflection – Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas March 26, 2021 On the second Sunday of Great Lent, we commemorate St. Gregory Palamas.
Leading a Team after Hurricane Sally March 22, 2021 Our teams adopted new safety protocols and got back to work, committed to helping our neighbors in need safely and effectively.