Latest Updates

Lebanon: Rebuilding Homes and Lives

To repair some of the capital’s most badly damaged homes, IOCC’s team of engineers visit and assess, select contractors, and supervise the work from start to finish.

Will You Help Provide a Hot Meal?

With your support, IOCC is working hard to lay foundations on which people can build better lives for themselves.

The Gift of Their Dreams

IOCC has built and updated three schools run by the Uganda Orthodox Church in Butembe, Gulu, and Lwemiyaga.

Albania: Help in Hard Times

To support survivors, IOCC has been working to distribute emergency supplies, even as this disaster is no longer making headlines.

Picking Up the Pieces in Iowa

First steps can be overwhelming after a disaster, so IOCC helps people like Eleonora and Randall — who connected with IOCC through their Orthodox parish — get started.