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Jordan: Vocational Training Offers Fresh Hope

“Always think positively,” advised Lubna, a 44-year-old Jordanian mother of five. “That will allow you to live happily and improve yourself and your surroundings.”

US: Responding after Tornadoes Hit Nashville

On Tuesday, March 3, 2020, Nashville-area communities faced a crisis: severe storms during the night had caused multiple tornadoes across greater Nashville. With wind ...

“My Dream Is Coming True”

Can you imagine putting in the effort to get your bachelor's degree only to have a difficult time finding work post-graduation?

Strength to Help Others

The second Sunday of Great Lent, which commemorates St. Gregory Palamas, is also referred to as the second triumph of Orthodoxy because of Gregory’s defense of the faith and his understanding of prayer.

Teaching Sustainable Farming Techniques

To help small-scale farmers in the country of Georgia, IOCC recently started teaching sustainable techniques—especially to women, youth, and those displaced—to help them increase their skills.

What’s the Goal of an Icon?

In the Sunday of Orthodoxy Gospel, Philip tells Nathaniel: “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law” — Jesus Christ. “Come and see.” This proclamation relates the reading to the feast of exalting the icons.