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Connecting Past and Present

On a recent visit to headquarters by IOCC Georgia Project Manager Zaza Matcharashvili (pictured, center), Executive Director and CEO Dean Triantafilou (left) pulled out this memento ...

A Father’s Personal Triumph

Back in Syria, Mohammad—a father of seven—worked as a mechanic. He had completed a bachelor’s degree and held a good job. But when conflict broke out in Syria ...

Seeing Long-Term Impact

IOCC met Samirawit in 2013, when she was 10 and living with her grandmother in Debre Markos. She received her first pair of shoes through an IOCC project to raise awareness ...

New Hope for Amele

When Amele was 16, she noticed that her feet began swelling. The skin on her legs and feet started to itch and crack, and though she thought it would stop eventually, it didn’t. Her family ...

Have Fun While Making a Difference

Is there anything better than knowing you've rallied your community to help others? DIY for IOCC takes the power of your social networks to make a lasting, positive change in others' lives.

We Met Our Match

In October 2017, IOCC announced a $1 million matching challenge for projects in Greece—a gift from the Jaharis Family Foundation, Inc. The foundation challenged IOCC ...
Students excited to see new school building

Dreaming Big in Rural Uganda

Meet 5 students from the Lwemiyaga school in Uganda who are dreaming big because of your support.