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Students excited to see new school building

Dreaming Big in Rural Uganda

Meet 5 students from the Lwemiyaga school in Uganda who are dreaming big because of your support.

Make An Investment Today

We're inviting you to join a select group of supporters who help sustain the life-saving work of IOCC. Becoming a Partner in Compassion ...

Greece: Local Milk On Demand

Fresh milk straight from the farm, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. That's the idea behind Apo Proto Cheri, or Firsthand

IOCC/OCF Real Break Homebuild

The seventh annual IOCC/OCF Real Break took place March 12–17 in the New Orleans area. Ten college students from across the US ...

Albania: Training Rural Beekeepers

These members of a women’s beekeeping association are experienced in beekeeping, one of the area’s traditional economic activities. Project participants ...

Equipped for Good Health

IOCC recently collaborated with the Chian Federation based in New York City to deliver a container of medical supplies to Chios, Greece. The 40-foot shipping container ...

Overcoming Barriers to Learning

In cooperation with ACT Alliance partner Norwegian Church Aid, IOCC is providing educational assistance for 50 minority children at a community center in Mount Lebanon. The active learning ...

Uganda: Investing in Education

IOCC, in partnership with the St. Nektarios Education Fund, has helped build and update three schools run by the Uganda Orthodox Church. In rural Lwemiyaga ...