IOCC, in partnership with the UN World Food Program (WFP), is running a school kitchens program that provides healthy meals for students in public schools.
After Hurricane Ida hit southern Louisiana in late August 2021, IOCC teams quickly deployed to assist with cleanup operations. Since then, we have had staff and volunteers on the ground.
Your support helps ensure that IOCC staff have the training, tools, and resources they need to help people deal with disasters, both short term and long term.
Through IOCC support, young students in Romania participated in activities that helped them connect with each other through educational opportunities, helping reduce their risk of dropping out of school.
The program is assisting about 1,000 Ukrainian refugees with supermarket vouchers, especially pregnant women, single mothers, families with young children, people with disabilities, and people over 60.
When emergencies hit, there’s often no time to plan. That’s why at IOCC, we prepare for the unexpected. Then, when disaster strikes, we’re ready to help where it’s needed most.