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Paths of Repentance

St. Mary of Egypt’s life testifies to our Lord’s presence and power in our lives—even when we reject Him or do not know of Him.

ICYMI – Hand-Painted Icon Auction

Our nationwide auction features hand-painted original icons of Saints Boris and Gleb, the Crucifixion of Christ, Christ the Good Shepherd, Mother of God (Theotokos), and an Icon of Christ.

Helping US Neighbors in Need

IOCC’s US team stepped in to help the Randalls with new roofing, repairs, and an accessibility ramp to make it easier to enter their home.

Climbing the Ladder to Christ

St. John Climacus, or St. John of the Ladder, had a vision of Christians making their way from earth up a ladder to Paradise.

Sneak Preview: Icon Auction for Ukraine Crisis

IOCC is hosting a nationwide virtual auction to support our response to the Ukraine Crisis. The auction features hand-made icons kindly donated by iconographer Jack Pachuta.

Equipping Youth to Shape Healthy Communities

Netuh, an 8th-grader living in rural Ethiopia, always wondered why some members of her community experienced swollen legs and feet, as well as frequent pain and fever.