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Service as Almsgiving: The Work of Love

St. Maximus the Confessor teaches that we find God as we comprehend His love for us and learn to love each other. Because God loves us, we can—indeed, we must—love others. And “the work of love,” the saint writes, ...

Come Receive the Light this Great Lent

The church is dark and silent. A glow begins to emanate from behind the iconostasis. The priest lifts up the candle and, in a voice that sounds like it is coming from the heavens, declares:

Lenten Recipe: Tabbouleh

Originally from the mountains between Syria and Lebanon, tabbouleh has become one of the most popular salads in the Middle East. Enjoy this tabbouleh recipe by George Saoma throughout Lent.

Armenia: Gifts In Kind Point to New Careers

“Success in work is about trying the impossible to make the possible happen,” said Lusine, age 30. She and Gohar, 53, have just completed a vocational course in garment design and construction at the Social-Educational Center run by ...

Greece: Business Mentees Take Bold Next Step

“You woke us up from dreaming about success and helped us … take real actions,” said Athina, a small-business owner participating in IOCC’s business-mentoring program in Athens, Greece. Through IOCC and Apostoli’s collaboration with the executives of Kemel, a ...

Water Is Life

Without water, it’s impossible for humans to survive—let alone stay clean and healthy. So what happens if an area where water is already scarce suddenly sees its population spike? Terbol is a village in eastern Lebanon’s Bekaa Governorate that struggled to ...

Balkans: A Little Goes A Long Way

Before the breakup of Yugoslavia, Dragan (now 50) managed a hotel in Derventa, Bosnia and Herzegovina—a natural fit for his training in catering. But conflict changes everything, and it turned his family’s life upside-down....