Latest Updates

We’re Thankful for YOU

From all of us at IOCC, thank you for your prayers, love, and continued support. Your generosity brings hope and help to people who need it the most.

Gifts of Love Are Here

IOCC's Gifts of Love catalog highlights a few ways your gifts through IOCC serve people in great need across the world.

IOCC Sunday Is This Weekend!

If you haven’t done so, talk with your priest about celebrating IOCC’s mission in your parish, and plan to mark IOCC Sunday.

Lebanon: Ensuring Essential Medical Care

Repairing damaged buildings has been a key part of IOCC’s response to the tragic explosion in Beirut: IOCC rehabbed homes, small businesses, clinics, and more.

Bulgaria: Helping Youth Find Their Way

With IOCC support, the Pokrov Foundation worked with psychologists to organize five online workshops for high-school students from Sofia.

Celebrate IOCC in Your Parish

Talk with your priest about celebrating IOCC’s mission in your parish, and consider participating in IOCC Sunday on November 21.

Beirut: Over a Year Later

Learn how IOCC programs have reached more than 150,000 people as they work to rebuild their lives and communities.